Friday, February 4, 2011

Cardboard Crab = Progress Report

This is the Crab that I am suppose to recreate using cardboard.

The first thing I did was make these sketches to get a feel for the crab.

I started out first cutting out the main body shape multiple times and gluing them together to make it thicker.
Then I tried making a platform that would make my project become something more than just flat.
After that I decided to try and s
tart working on the legs of the crab. I sketched them onto cardboard and cut them out. Then I proceeded to carve the different joints on them.
It seemed to be going good until I realized I had glued the main body upside down on the platform and then as I was moving my project to my car I ended up breaking some of the legs because I had carved to deep into the cardboard and they became to thin.

So I am going to have to reorganize and continue working on my crab this weekend to finish.