Friday, April 8, 2011

Identity Essentials

In this assignment I chose to represent the body as a spirit. I tried to capture spirit in the form of an emotion or feeling. The two different types of spirit I wanted to capture was one of loneliness almost despair and one of strength, in these strength was enhanced through the glasses for each person.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Exquisite Corpse

Beautiful dream. Run pretty Bubbles!

The dark elf running prude madly.

A mysterious thing itched away, Master.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Here are some that I am thinking about but I haven't decided which one yet.

Friday, March 11, 2011


I took this photo of my 3 year old niece because it was her first time sledding. I keep this photo because I think she looks very adorable on her polar bear sled and pink outfit. I choose this photo because I really enjoyed the experience with her and because it was also my first time seeing snow. The emotional relationship between the photographer and the subject is very close. I think it influences how when you look at it you feel happiness and joy by looking at her. This photo is intended to be viewed casually by all of our family members for years to come. I think I will defiantly remember this photo in 10 years.

This photo was taken of me by my friend while we were at The Houston Zoo. I like this photo because you can see the aquarium some in that background. I chose this for the assignment because I really enjoyed going to the zoo with all my friends. We haven't been able to all hangout since then so this picture is important to me. The photographer of this picture is one of my best friends. I think it really influences how close up he took it. At the time I wasn't aware how zoomed in on my face he was. The attitude towards the photographer/Subject and vise versa is happiness. This photo was intended to be very casualy viewed by both of our friends and families. I think I will remember this photo in ten years because of the experience attached to it that comes with it.

This photo seems to symbolize hope. I've always liked this photo especially because of the composition of it. I originally saved this photo to get ideas for a drawing I wanted to do. I think the photographer wants the subject who is in darkness to have hope. It affects the way I look at the photo by the emphasis on the flower that is one of the only bright objects in the photo. I think this photo was intended to be viewed semi-casual by those on which is where I found the photo. I believe this photo was put up in 2009 and is still up presently. I think I might not remember this photo entirely in ten years but I do believe I would remember the concept of it.


Include indications or references of:

1. Path of locations [Born In Houston, TX (Lived there for 7 years), Tomball, Tx (7 years), Montgomery, TX (2006 to present)]
2. Relational path of those lived with for each location
Houston- Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister
Tomball- Mom, Dad, Brother
Montgomery- Mom, Dad
1. The nature of the relationship
1. Physical
2. Emotional
3. Spiritual
2. How those relationships changed from location to location and as you aged.
The Main way they have changed is that my Sister moved out and went to college first when I was little then my Brother moved out 7 years later to go to college. I actually became a lot more closer to my brother after he moved out.
3. Significant things said to you that you can almost still hear in your head. Both p/n
-You can't always do what you want to do.
3. Educational path--schools and for each list (be specific)
considering early childhood, late, pre adolescence, adolescence, early adulthood – may project into future – adulthood, old, not dead yet, dead
Greenwood Forest Elementary (Kindergarten and First Grade)
Lakewood Elementary
Tomball Intermediate
Willow Wood Junior High
Tomball High School (9th Grade)
Montgomery High School (10th -12th Grade)
1. Significant peers [why?] both positive/negative
2. Significant adults [why?] both p/n
Both my parents for always helping and allowing me to to anything.
4th grade teacher, Mrs. Willams died in class with a heartatack
3. Significant things said to you that you can almost still hear in your head. Both p/n
4. Significant objects [why?]
I played the flute for 6 or 7 years.
5. Significant cause [why?]
6. Experiences of loss or absence
Having close relatives pass away
Every time I moved I had to start over with friends.
7. Experiences of joy or belonging
4. Career path
1. When I was little I had always wanted to be a teacher.
2. For a little while I wanted to be a rock climber when young.
3. I then wanted to open my own store/ cafe
4. Art
5. Spiritual path
1. Changes over time? [why?] Christian and Hasn't changed.
6. Sexuality or gender evolution/path or relationship to the body
7. Pathway of achievements
8. Pathways of pain or crisis or loss
9. Pathway of dreams or desires
10. Other threads to possibly follow
1. Character
2. Limitations
3. Passion
4. Strengths
5. Abilities and competencies
6. Fears
7. Hopes
8. Calling
9. Understanding of people
10. Understand of culture
11. Understanding of heritage
12. Materialism
13. Goals
14. Why do you want to be an artist, animator, designer (when did that desire begin; what fanned the flame and kept it going)
15. Within those three fields what specific things are you interested in? (when did the desire or compulsion begin; what fanned the flame and kept it going)
16. Are these changing? How so?
17. Personal narrative, quotes, journal entries, poetry, song lyrics, etc
11. Show for relationships and connections; cause and effect
12. Consider chronological, geographical vs topical or some hybrid

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Modular Project- Bamboo & Word As Image

Modular Project

I had originally a few different ideas that didn't end up working out, so I decided to drive around one day to find objects to use for my modular project. I walked around this park and saw that they had a small bamboo forest. I wanted to get the green ones because I thought that they were more pleasing to look at since you normally see live ones but I didn't want to cut any down because it was a public park and I didn't think that would be ok. As I was leaving I noticed that there was some that were dead that were just laying on the floor so I decided to gather those to use. I really liked the different textures, groves, and colors of all the bamboo. They were all very different even though they came from the same place.

My first thought was to somehow stand them all together and cut them into different lengths but as I was laying them out I really liked the way they looked. So I decided to keep them natural looking as they were when I found them.

I was advised to just keep it simple without adding to it. So I placed them along the wall and tried to make it to where anywhere you looked you would notice each piece of bamboo's best visual points.

The concrete floor was really bothering me and I ended up collecting white rocks from outside to lay down at the base. These ended up really helping my project and pulling it all together.

This all seemed to work well until as I was trying to place one of the bamboos in a certain spot it I slightly bumped another causing it to fall over which made a domino effect that caused them to all fall over then I had to start over. Throughout the process it fell over at least 5 times. The first one I had placed up was my favorite visually but I seemed to never be able to recreate it exactly since I didn't take a picture. This made me really frustrated because I came back the night before it was do to just check on it and someone had touched it again and I had to start over.

I ended up taking push-pins and hot gluing them to the back of the bamboos and pushing them into the wall. I did this for a majority of the bamboo to help hold them up from falling like dominoes again. It did help but was still very fragile so I tried to keep close eye on it. Over all it ended up staying up for the final.

Working with the bamboo some has really made me wast to experiment more with it. I would like to try to carve into them.
Over all I really enjoyed doing this project even though I got really frustrated at times.

Word As Image

Harmonious Image - Progress to Final Image

Contrasting Image - Progress to Finished Piece

Cardboard Crab = Final Report

The main thing that everyone didn't like was the "base" that the crab was standing on. At first I was looking at it more as the mouth of the crab because it is a strange square shape but when people viewed it they were not able to see this. So as the professor suggested I removed the entire base but then It was too flat on the ground and ended up harming the way the legs looked. When it was propped up from the ground it gave the lags a since of movement. So i'm going to try to make some different type of base the props it up just enough without harming the over all look.

My favorite part of the crab is the top that I etched into. I helped top piece from looking too flat.

Over all I liked my project even though I imagined something different looking in the beginning. As this was my first time working with cardboard I met with some difficulty in knowing what I could and couldn't do with it. Although I think I will need a long brake from working with cardboard again I learned a lot about it and enjoyed the overall outcome.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Cardboard Crab = Progress Report

This is the Crab that I am suppose to recreate using cardboard.

The first thing I did was make these sketches to get a feel for the crab.

I started out first cutting out the main body shape multiple times and gluing them together to make it thicker.
Then I tried making a platform that would make my project become something more than just flat.
After that I decided to try and s
tart working on the legs of the crab. I sketched them onto cardboard and cut them out. Then I proceeded to carve the different joints on them.
It seemed to be going good until I realized I had glued the main body upside down on the platform and then as I was moving my project to my car I ended up breaking some of the legs because I had carved to deep into the cardboard and they became to thin.

So I am going to have to reorganize and continue working on my crab this weekend to finish.

Human Dot Photos pt 1

This is my first attempt at my project to take Dot photos and turn them into Human Dot pictures.

I failed with these pictures so I will eventually be redoing them.

Everyday Safari

8 Photo Safari Pictures

Texture, Informal
Weeds in backyard, 7:30pm Thursday

Smooth texture, Informal
Kitchen Granite, 9pm Thursday

Translation, and Reflection, Formal, non progressive, pattern
Zipper on my purse, 10am Wednesday

Large scale pattern, Translation and Reflection, Texture, Formal
Tree in backyard, 7pm Thursday

Translation and Reflection, Very Formal, Texture/Pattern
Wool hat, 9pm Wednesday

Translation, Semi-informal pattern
leather couch, 8pm Thursday

Texture, Informal Pattern
Bread, 7am Thursday

Small scale pattern, Translation and Reflection, Informal texture
Cat (Marius), 7pm Thursday

Monday, January 24, 2011

Newspaper Tower for a cinder block?

~Jan. 20, 2011~
On the first day of class we were told to bring newspaper and wood glue.

Create a structure of your choosing that would hold a cinder block as high off the ground as we could make it only with the stack of newspapers and wood glue provided.
Probable for about the first 5min or so I was stumped trying to think about how the newspapers would even be strong enough to hold up the block.
I finally just decided to focus on the structure while making the tower.
I started first with rolling up each individual newspaper with glue into one long piece.
Then I bent both of the edges to make it into a circle and glued them together. I filled the hole with scrunched up newspaper to help support it and glued it to a square base I made.
My original construction was quite a bit smaller and more detailed but when I tried the cinder block on it became unstable so I ended up re-enforcing it around the edges with a stack of layered glued newspapers.


In the end it did end up being able to stand I think somewhere around maybe 15-17" or so. I guess it was a success but I wish I hadn't hesitated my idea at the end to create an identical structure to place it on top to double the height. So I think that I will try harder next time to be more ambitious without worrying so much about failure.
I ended up with a good experience though and got to work with wood glue which was a new material for me.